Saturday, March 12, 2022

Ana Moudou :)

My name is Mohamed. I was born on March 1st, 2022. Its been a tough ride. I had lots of pictures taken when I was in there. First they said I was in the wrong place. They were wrong. Then they said I'm going to be having certain disabilities. Again they were wrong.

Later on, one of the many pictures they took showed a hole in my heart. A small one they said, and they were again, wrong! It was a big hole. A "large VSD" they said, whatever that was.

They delivered me quickly and I was ok with it. Kept breathing and doing what I'm asked to do. Have that milk. Pass this, pass that. It's been hard- harder and harder each and everyday. Everything I do takes a toll on me.

Now they said I'm likely to have a heart failure in the upcoming few weeks, and that the surgery is not an option until I'm 3-5 months old.

I'm pushing hard for those who love me, and we need your prayers. Please keep me in them.

My kidneys and lungs can only take so much.

I'm giving my consent to my dearest Aunt Sara, who's been dying for me, to share this with you all.

I'll do my best, Auntie :)

Love and a smile,
Moudou :)