Wednesday, November 8, 2017


I wrote in May 2017:

"My baby is officially 6 years old this month! MashaAllah! Her toes, her fingers, her lips, her eyes, her smell, her heart, her mind and her soul are all 6 years of age! Praise The Lord! It's hard work.. A LOT OF HARD WORK.. Taking care of fish, cats and plants is not even close.. Fish, cats and plants will always be indoors sheltered from all the ongoing non-stop mess.. But human beings are very complicated.."

And I stopped writing..

A lot of things happened since then, A LOT! Things that are hard to be written.. To start with, I have been a single mother for a couple of years.. Got married, divorced, remarried to the same dude with hopes of it working out, and then divorced again! When things don't work out, they just don't work out.. Don't push it.. And through my 2 divorces, he forced me to stay away from my folks in a land that he hates and can't live in himself.. To just torture me.. Not considering the needs and wants of his own little girl..

And I did it, for the sake of my baby I did it.. Until I got sick.. Literally sick.. Ill.. To the limit of not being able to do simple chores around the house.. And I had to be fixed.. And he never believed it.. To torture me more, he banned her from travelling with me and is planning to take her in 2 days.. Two days.. After 9 months of carrying her inside of me and 6 years and five months (2345 days) of carrying her heart in mine and her whole being 24/7..

I don't know what tomorrow carries for me and her.. What I know is that God Is The Most Powerful and He & only He Can Save her and Bring her back to me, safe and sound..... Amen! 

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Ana Moudou :)

My name is Mohamed. I was born on March 1st, 2022. Its been a tough ride. I had lots of pictures taken when I was in there. First they said ...